Agnese Caica

Date of birth:
1988 (Senior)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Lacks certificate


Coach From To
Andis Austrups 01.01.2017. 01.01.2018.


Organisation Role From To
Jūrmalas sporta skola Athlete 01.01.2017. 01.01.2018.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
Pentathlon 2577 07.01.2017. Latvian indoor championships in combined events and race walking
800m 2:28.62 761 Second-class 18.02.2017. Latvian championships
60m Hurdles 10.86 601 07.01.2017. Latvian indoor championships in combined events and race walking
Long Jump 4.48 673 First-class junior 07.01.2017. Latvian indoor championships in combined events and race walking
High Jump 1.41 649 Third-class 07.01.2017. Latvian indoor championships in combined events and race walking
Shot Put 8.54 496 Third-class 07.01.2017. Latvian indoor championships in combined events and race walking
6km 0:26:42 12.10.2019. Latvian Cross country championships

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event
2577 07.01.2017. Indoor Latvian indoor championships in combined events and race walking
2577 07.01.2017. Indoor Latvian indoor championships in combined events and race walking